It's October 10, 2010 (10.10.10)..
so today all people try to record what they are doing at that time...recording the conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occur on 10/10/10.
tapi ari ni aku cuma spent this great moment 10/10/10 10:10 kt kilang aja..did my part time job...
sedih maa..dapat ushar minah2 kilang aja(most of them makcik2)..haha..
kan best kalu bleh kluar dating ..haha
today i did my job half a day only..bcoz today kami(warga Fukui University) gonna have jamuan hari raya..the picture will upload as soon as possible...
ok lah semalam..semasa balik dari kerja..i had some shopping...ok lah memang idam lama gila perfume ni ...tambah2 ada sale lg..yeahh i bought it without thinking...
so sampai je kat rumah..tetiba dapat surat dari mn entah...rupanya2 certificate dari asian center..punya la lambat..apa2 pun betambah la certificate aku lg..syukur
hoy ad blog rpenye.aku x smpt nk menulis on 101010 wey.frust gle
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