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Wassup dude...opp sorry totally forgot..syukur kepada ilahi coz give me a little bit time to update my lahh lately betul2 busy gila..hari biasa of course la i spend all my day in lab..then balik umah malam nye kena study for proficient no more time to play play aaa..really missed phua chu kang...
okaylah berbalik ke tajuk atas..actually saya just finished read these two books "Salahudin Ayubi" n "bushido the soul of japan" nak buat review la..mana tau nnt pts ambek buat keja part time ke...bapak bleh adjust tak??haha
Sebenarnya orang islam ketandusan untuk mencari pahlawan yang handai spt khalid al walid pada masa dahulu...namum Allah mengkurniakan sesuatu kpd umat islam seorang panglima yg hebat iaitu Saludin Ayubi ketika umat islam ketika itu ditindas..dan Jurusalam dirampas oleh crusaders.. Saluhadin Ayubi antara pahlawan Islam yang sangat termasyur dalam sejarah Islam...kehebatan Salahudin bukan sahaja di medan perang malah ketika menjadi perdana menteri di Mesir..beliau seorang tawaduk dan tegas..sesapa x puas ..pembelot dia akan perangi habis habisan...x kira la dia islam kalu bersubahat dgn crusaders dia akan perangi habis habisan..selain itu Saluhudin juga sangat taat kepada pemimpin kalau pemimpim macam haprak kena kick out laa...
so bila baca buku Saluhudin n BUSHIDO..Just realized except different religion..the moral value both of Islam warriors n The samurai warriors are so similar..first they believed that they had to obey their master.This concept of honor is sometimes difficult to understand in the western and modern.And one more pembinaan karekter juga penting..for Salahuddin he was taught by his uncle Asadudin tentang ilmu ketenteraan n agama..beliau diajar mununggang kuda semasa mmg mantap la bila dia dah dewasa..ilmu perang ..ilmu riding ..sebab diajar dari kecil..sama juga dgn bushido the first and foremost thing to consider in teaching chivalry is character building. The next step is teaching other aspects such as alertness, intelligence and logic. BushidÅ perceives action as more important than other knowledge which has no direct relation dengan kehidupan. Therefore, the dominant training for samurai consisted of physical exercises such as; sword play, archery, jiujitsu, horse riding, etc...
okaylah thats all for my review today..sorry laa ini personal punya pendapat hahaha..see u next time..sayonara